My Med Cert Privacy Policy
We collect personal information solely to provide healthcare. The information we collect is specific for this purpose only. We do not collect information other than what is necessary to complete a medical certificate to the standard required for safe, effective healthcare. The information gathered during consultations is recorded securely on encrypted servers and can be deleted at the patients request.
Access and Security Policy
Only registered practitioners may access the My Med Cert and create a proper medical certificate. They should not retain any information gathered other than in the certificate. They are not to maintain a copy of this medical certificate. They are not to use the app to gain access to the My Med Cert for any other purpose. Any unauthorised use will terminate the practitioner’s contract and revoke their access codes and usernames/passwords. Training will be part of the induction process, with ongoing training for any updates in procedure. Each practitioner will have their password and login information, which they will keep secret. Disclosing this information is an offence.
My Med Cert – ABN 49151316442